Throttle Position Circuit Adjustments

  Throttle Pos Larger#= Note:
0-1/4 Richer If the best idle mixture screw setting is less than 1 turn out, the pilot jet is probably too lean.  If the best idle adjusting screw setting is more than 2 turns out, the pilot jet is probably too rich
Slide Cutaway 0-3/8 Leaner Height of the cutaway notch, expressed in millimeters.
1/8-5/8 Richer Use the largest number (richest) that will work successfully.
1/4-3/4 Richer The numbers are stamped at the top of the needle.
Clip Position 1/8-3/4 Richer If the motor runs best with the clip in the top notch, the needle taper is too sharp or the needle jet is too large.  If the motor runs best with the clip in the bottom notch, the needle taper is too shallow or the needle jet is too small.
Main Jet 3/4-4/4 Richer Plug chop after full throttle operation is required to determine the best size for main jet.  Too small a main can damage the motor.  The motor should run up to 3/4 throttle with the main jet removed.