Network Connection Problems

Network connection problems can be caused by modem or wireless router. In addition, if the distance between wireless router and device is too far a wireless replicator may be needed. It could also be because the wireless carrier (Comcast, Charter, etc.) is down.
If it is possible that any of the above are at fault, remove power from the modem and/or the wireless router for 30sec and reconnect.... modem fist, router second.

If it is known that the modem, router, & carrier are not at fault:
- Open Network and Internet Settings
- Click on Network Troubleshooter
- See if this will resolve your problem or lead you to a resolution

If the troubleshooter does not resolve or only temporarily resolves your problem:
- Open Network and Internet Settings
- Click on Network Reset
- After reset you will need to reconnect to wireless network and network discovery may need to be reset