Stock H2 vs Mild Port w/34mm Carb vs Added Inlet Box
So.......there have been discussions about now a 500 makes more power in low end
if tubes are installed. (Joe-Battleax)
I did my part of the "investigation" and dynoed the bike from yesterday again
today, but with the use of the inlet rubber and stock air filter box.
Joe seems to be absolutely correct. I noticed same tendencies on this ported H2.
Below are the 3 curves: When stock, after port work and 34's, and after port
work 34's and with stock inlet rubber and empty airbox (with filter inside, it
is too restrictive)
LOOK the ported has exact same power in low end as stock, or
even a bit better. Power increased versus yesterday's test.
And yes, I tried this back and forward 3 times. The power increase versus non
inlet rubber/box and no filter at all showed up every time.
Now w/Inlet Tubes
My silicone inlets... 70mm Ramair filters fitted outside
And the latest dynosheet (red line) with intake hoses fitted.
I am VERY happy about the low and midrange power. Pipes: Denco
OK guys, I just did a back to back test on
my dyno:
Inlet silicone hoses With 70mm Ramair, versus nothing no hoses and filters at
The low end Power increase is even greater than I thought. We are talking Close
to 10% Power increase here. PLUS the ability of giving more throttle openings in
the idle-3000 rpm area.
And as said, this test is done 30 sec apart, so its valid. (same engine temp
etc). If putting on filters directly to carb, the difference would probably been
even bigger, but I did not bother as I already know the hoses mod is a success.
I did the test on HOT engine, to make it the most realistic in real life. I can
smack it WOT at 2500 rpm (when not fully hot), and the front Wheel lifts nicely
at 6-7000 rpm.
My current jetting: 270, 56 needles second leanest.
Pay attention to that dyno sheet. As said earlier, I dived deep into Joe's (Battleax) findings regarding inlet design, and it seems the bigger the carbs, the more you benefit from such design. The dyno sheet speaks for itself.