1. Brake lever or pedal goes all the way to
its stop — There are numerous causes for this including excessively
worn linings or pads, air in the hydraulic system, leaky brake lines, leaky
calipers, or leaky or worn master cylinder. Check for leaks and thin brake
linings or pads. Bleed the brakes. If this does not cure the trouble, rebuild
the calipers and/or master cylinder. Also, improper cable or rod adjustment may
be a cause.
2. Spongy lever — Normally
caused by air in the system; bleed the brakes.
3. Dragging
brakes — Check for swollen rubber parts due to improper brake fluid or
contamination, and obstructed master cylinder bypass port. Clean or replace
defective parts. Check for broken or weak return springs.
4. Hard lever or pedal — Check
brake linings or pads for contamination. Also check for restricted brake line
and hose and brake pedal needing lubrication.
5. High speed fade — Check for
glazed or contaminated brake linings or pads. Ensure that recommended brake
fluid is installed. Drain entire system and refill if in doubt.
6. Pulsating lever or pedal — Check
for out-of-round drums or excessive brake disc runout. Undetected accident
damage is also a frequent cause of this.